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ZIV focuses on ​cybersecurity throughout ​the entire life cycle of its ​products from design, ​implementation, testing ​and manufacturing through ​to deployment, operation, ​maintenance and disposal

Fo​r all Procedures & Products

Key Features

Role Role Based Access ​Control (RBAC)

Up to 20 roles can be configured in ​the devices, each containing one or ​more permissions (up to 8) to ​comply with least privilege and ​segregation of duty policies.

Local and Centralised User ​Authentication

Users can be authenticated against ​LDAP or RADIUS centralised ​repositories, or against local user ​databases in the device, where up to ​20 local users can be defined ​applying strong password policies.

Return to local authentication when ​centralised repositories are not ​available can be enabled.



Secure versions of the protocols are ​available in the devices (SSH, SFTP, ​HTTPS, PROCOME over TLSv1.2, ​LDAPS / StartTLS).

Mutual authentication is available in ​TLS communications.

Physical Ports and Services can be configured, so that unused ports and services can be disabled.

Credential Management


Each device has a ​unique X.509 identity, ​signed by ZIV’s ​Certificate Authority. ​Trusted Certificate ​Authorities can be ​configured (CAs). ​Revocation (based on ​CRL and/or OCSP) and ​expiration of remote ​certificates are checked ​during TLS ​communications and ​firmware upgrade ​processes.



The firmware of the devices is ​digitally encrypted and signed by ZIV ​based on X.509 certificates using ​CMS/PKCS#7 DER format, so that ​only authorised and valid firmware ​can be uploaded to the devices.

Logging and


A wide range of cybersecurity events ​are generated, stored, and sent to ​centralised servers (up to 3) using ​Syslog, complying with RFC 5424, ​using a format largely based on IEC ​62351-14.


ZIV cybersecurity solution ​has been implemented ​considering the leading ​cybersecurity standards ​and guidelines, such as ​IEC 62443, IEC 62351, ​IEEE 1686 and NERC CIP

contact us for further information at ziv@zivautomation.com